

Student Administration Centre - HAK:

E-mail:          Website:       

Office hours: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 9.00 am - 3.00 pm (lunchbreak between 12.15 - 12.45 pm)

Dedicated Office addresses based on Faculty:

  • Faculty of Dentistry / Humanities / Medicine / Music / Pharmacy / Science and Technology/PhD (and Preparatory programs):
    H-4032 Debrecen, Egyetem square 1. Hungary  - Lajos Kossuth Dormitory 2 (entrance – glass door with HAK sign)

STAFF – email: :

    • Zoltán Szabó
    • Gábor Hetei
    • Annamária Ilyés
  • Faculty of Engineering / Health Sciences (Debrecen) / Informatics / Law /PhD :
    H-4028 Debrecen, Kassai street 26, Hungary

STAFF – email: :

    • Beáta Fábián


  • Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management / Economics and Business/ PhD:
    H-4032 Debrecen, Böszörményi street 138, Hungary (Peter Veres Dormitory (Ground floor, door with HAK sign)

STAFF – email: :

    • Emese Rabné Pályka

New students

About eduID registration

Please let us briefly inform you about the first essential steps regarding eduID registration, the student administration systems (Neptun), online registration (in SAS) and applying for a UniPass card.

Your eduID will be your username during your student years. It is essential to have one. You will need it to access all IT services provided by the University, including:

  • Neptun (student administration system),
  • SAS (for online registration),
  • Moodle (our e-learning system),
  • eduroam (a global academic and research wifi network)
  • Microsoft 365 (student email and other cloud services).

To successfully complete eduID registration, you will need your Neptun identifier <Neptuncode> and date of birth ready.

First go to this address:

Here you must identify yourself with your Neptun identifier <Neptuncode> and date of birth. After a successful login, you will be requested to choose your eduID. Please be careful on choosing a proper name for you cannot modify it later. Next you will have to set your password, review your profile, and finally accept your eduID registration.

Upon eduID registration your student email address will also be created in Microsoft 365 in the form This will be your official email address which the University will use to communicate with you during your student years.

Right after eduID registration we suggest that as soon as possible you:

  • log in to SAS (you will receive a separate email with link, deadlines and steps of online registration),
  • apply for a UniPass card.

About Unipass card

Ordering your first UniPass card is free.

In our institution this card represents that the card owner (a student, a teacher or a staff member) belongs to our university. The card is essential to have comfortable student years.

Mostly it is used:

  • as your reader card in the University Library,
  • for parking in the university campuses,
  • for entering several university dormitories, buildings and classrooms,
  • to get Lifestyle Development Club membership,
  • to get discount services in the UniFit Fitness & Gym Center,
  • as a means of paying in university canteens, buffets, clubs and festivals,
  • to get discounts in several shops and other places in Debrecen.

Please order your UniPass card as soon as possible on the following website:

Log in with your eduID. Requesting a UniPass Card for the first time is free. In case it gets lost, damaged or destroyed, the replacement fee is 6.000 HUF.

You can get more information about the process at APPLICATION » ORDERING PROCESS on the UniPass website or in the university e-learning system:

In order to get your card as soon as possible we kindly ask you to pay special attention to upload a proper ID photo. The photo should be taken in front of a white wall and your whole face should be clearly visible. As soon as your uploaded picture is accepted you will get an automatic e-mail reply about when and where you can pick up your new card.

Each time you log in to the Neptun system, you will have to enter not only your login name and password but also a 6-digit code, generated by an Authenticator application which runs on your smartphone or computer. By clicking on the following link ( you will find the necessary guide (Two-factor authentication on student's Neptun system) and the link to the video guides below.

If have any questions about setting up and using this function please send a message to the following email address (please make sure to indicate your Neptun code):



Unipass Card

About Unipass card

Ordering your first UniPass card is free.

In our institution this card represents that the card owner (a student, a teacher or a staff member) belongs to our university. The card is essential to have comfortable student years.

Mostly it is used:

  • as your reader card in the University Library,
  • for parking in the university campuses,
  • for entering several university dormitories, buildings and classrooms,
  • to get Lifestyle Development Club membership,
  • to get discount services in the UniFit Fitness & Gym Center,
  • as a means of paying in university canteens, buffets, clubs and festivals,
  • to get discounts in several shops and other places in Debrecen.

Please order your UniPass card as soon as possible on the following website:

Log in with your eduID. Requesting an UniPass Card for the first time is free. In case it gets lost, damaged or destroyed, the replacement fee is 6.000 HUF.

You can get more information about the process at APPLICATION » ORDERING PROCESS on the UniPass website or in the university e-learning system:

In order to get your card as soon as possible we kindly ask you to pay special attention to upload a proper ID photo. The photo should be taken in front of a white wall and your whole face should be clearly visible. As soon as your uploaded picture is accepted you will get an automatic e-mail reply about when and where you can pick up your new card.

Frequently Asked Questions:



Student Card

                                               Student Card

Registered full time international students can apply for a student card:

  • For external use only, entitles to such discounts as public transportation, stores, restaurants, cinema etc.
  • Exchange students are only entitled for the Temporary Student Card. (You do not need to do the below steps.)
  • Please keep in mind that on the public transportation it is forbidden to eat, or to drink alcoholic beverages, or drinks out of a non-closable container (e.g. can).
  • Student Card “DIÁKIGAZOLVÁNY”
  • Registered international students can apply for a student card
  • (“DIÁKIGAZOVÁNY” in Hungarian):
  • • Not compulsory, for external use only
  • • Entitles you to certain discounts (public transport, stores, restaurants,
  • cinemas etc.)
  • • Temporary student card is available at HAK (Student Administration Center) offices until getting the permanent plastic card (initial application at the Government Office is required to receive a temporary student card).
  • Venues:
    Government Office (“Kormányablak”)
  • Venues: Piac utca 42-48., tram stop ‘Szent Anna utca’,
    Kálvin tér 11., tram stop ‘Kálvin tér’
  • Based on the guidance of the office the following hours are less crowded (on weekdays only): between 1-3pm and 6-8pm.

    An officer will welcome you at the entrance; where you will have to tell that you are there for a ‘STUDENT CARD’ application. The officer will provide you with a number. When you see your number and the window number on the display, you have to go to the particular window, where the officer will initiate the procedure. They will take your ID documents (passport and address card), then you will need to inform them about the aim of your visit (i.e. to obtain a ‘STUDENT CARD’) and Neptun: NEK application form.
  • The officer will take a photo of you, after which you will have to sign a document – the sample signature you provide will be visible on your student card, for which reason we advise you to provide a genuine one. At the end of the procedure, you will be provided with an A4 size paper with your photo and date on it, which is called ‘NEK’ datasheet. You will have to submit this datasheet to the NEPTUN system.
  •  Obtaining the permanent student card could take several months, you will receive an email as soon as it is ready.


If you already have an Education ID number in the Neptun system you can start the application process for your student card.

You can find this information if you log in to your Neptun → Click on your name in the right → Personal information → Show more. It is an eleven digit number, it is automatically generated by the Neptun system a few days after your status is changed to active.

Student Card Application

  1. Take your Passport and the Student Card Application Form issued from the Neptun to the Government Office (Kormányablak, Piac utca 42-48., tram stop ‘Szent Anna utca’)

Based on the guidance of the office the following hours are less crowded

(on weekdays only): between 1.00 – 3.00 pm.


At the entrance; where you will have to tell that you are there for a ‘STUDENT CARD’ application. An officer will provide you with a number.

When you see your number and the window number on the display, you have to go to the particular window, where the officer will initiate the procedure. After which you will need to inform her/him about the aim of your visit (i.e. to obtain a ‘STUDENT CARD’). The officer will take a photo of you, after which you will have to sign a document – the specimen signature you pro­vide will be visible on your student card, for which reason we advise you to provide a genuine one. You will have to provide your personal details correctly, student card application will only be successful if you give the same data which you have in the Neptun system (during your personal registration you will receive a document – Student Card Application Form, which you can use in the Government Office to copy your official details properly). At the end of the procedure you will be provided with an A4 size paper with your photo and date on it, which is called ’NEK adatlap’.


  1. Important! Now you need to order your student card through the Neptun system:

Choose Menu->Administration->Student Card request. Click on Start a new request, and you will need to fill the following data:

NEK identifier: It is on the top right corner of the NEK adatlap, write it in without hyphens!

NEK data sheet: you have to upload it (Upload file)

A képen szöveg, képernyőkép, Betűtípus, szám látható

Automatikusan generált leírás

Reason for request: Choose first application.

Training: Automatically filled

Address: Choose your permanent address in your home country, the application will only work that way.

Secondary institution:   Leave blank.

Printing code of the secondary institution: Leave blank.



Temporary Student Card

Temporary Student Card

After you apply for the permanent student card, if you need it we can give you a Temporary Student Card at one of the local Student Administration Centre – HAK offices during weekdays between 9.00 am - 3.00 pm (lunchbreak between 12.15 - 12.45 pm).

Student of the Faculty of Engineering / Health Sciences (Debrecen) / Informatics / Law:

Kassai Campus:


Student of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management / Economics and Business:

Böszörményi Campus - Peter Veres Dormitory (Ground floor, door with HAK sign):


Student of the Preparatory programs OR student of the Faculty of Dentistry / Humanities / Medicine / Music / Pharmacy / Science and Technology:

Main Campus - Lajos Kossuth Dormitory 2 (entrance – glass door with HAK sign):

This document entitles you for the discounts your permanent student card does. With your Temporary Student Card you can buy a student monthly pass from one of a Post Office or one of the Local Public Transportation Company (DKV) Office, we list below.

With this monthly pass you can use all public transportation in the city (buses, trams, trolley-buses). You should copy the Educational ID (Oktatási azonosító) number from the Temporary Student ID to the middle of the monthly pass with blue ink.

You should also always have a photo ID with you, such as passport or residence permit. The Temporary Student Card is valid for 60 days, please check the expiry date on the top right corner, and request a new one a few days before it expires.

The monthly pass is valid from the 1st of the given month to the 5th of the following month, please keep this in mind (for example from 1st September until 5th October). So if you buy an October monthly pass on 30th September it will not be valid yet, and the controllers may give you a fine, the September monthly pass is not valid on the 6th October.

When the permanent card is ready, we will inform you from where and when you can collect it.


First semester: FALL semester sticker is valid until 31th of March.
Second semester: SPRING semester sticker is valid until 31th of October.

Student ID cards can be validated with the sticker if your status is ACTIVE for the current semester at the following HAK – Student Administration Centre offices:

  • Faculty of Dentistry / Humanities / Medicine / Music / Pharmacy / Science and Technology / PhD (and Preparatory programs):
    H-4032 Debrecen, Egyetem square 1. Hungary  - Lajos Kossuth Dormitory 2 (entrance – glass door with HAK sign)

  • Faculty of Engineering / Health Sciences (Debrecen) / Informatics / Law / PhD :
    H-4028 Debrecen, Kassai street 26, Hungary

  • Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management / Economics and Business / PhD :
    H-4032 Debrecen, Böszörményi street 138, Hungary (Peter Veres Dormitory (Ground floor, door with HAK sign)

Office hours:

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 9.00 am - 3.00 pm
(lunchbreak between 12.15 - 12.45 pm)

Matrica (ID sticker)


Kedves Hallgató!

 A diákigazolvány 2024/2025/2 féléves érvényességét igazoló matrica felvehető személyesen diákigazolványyal  (bármelyik) HAK irodában (vagy meghatalmazással, levelezők HAK címre visszapostázásra elküldött diákigazolvánnyal), a megelőző matrica lekaparásával. A korábbi  matrica, amelyen a „2024/2025/1. félév” felirat szerepel, 2025. március 31-ig érvényes.

FONTOS: csak az aktív jogviszony esetén jár a diákigazolvány matrica.

NYITVA TARTÁS:  Hétfőtől péntekig: 9.00-15.00 óráig (ebédidő:12.15-12.45)

  • Debrecen, Egyetem téri Campus (Kossuth Lajos II. Kollégium földszint) – ÁOK, BTK, FOK, GYTK, TTK, ZK, és Doktori Iskolái (PhD)
  • Debrecen, Kassai úti Campus (Kassai úti benzinkúttal szembeni gyalogos bejárat mellett lévő épület) – ÁJK, IK, MK, ETK/Debrecen/, és Doktori Iskolái (PhD)
  • Debrecen, Böszörményi úti Campus (Veres Péter Kollégium földszint) – MÉK, GTK ezekhez a karokhoz tartozó Doktori Iskolák  (PhD)
  • Hajdúböszörmény, –  GYGYK
  • Szolnok – a Campusz hallgatói
  • NyíregyházaEK/Nyíregyháza/ TO


New student card stickers (2024/2025/2) are available

Dear Student,

 You can come to the HAK office in our opening hours to replace your student card sticker (which belongs to the second semester of 2024/2025 with light green colour). The previous blue sticker, which says “2024/2025 1. félév” is valid until 31st March 2025.

 During the first days it could be really crowded, so you are not in a rush, you are able to collect it later (in case you have got the previous sticker from the first semester of 2024/2025).

 Keep in mind that only active students can get a sticker.

 OPENING HOURS: Monday-Friday: 9am – 3pm (lunchbreak between 12.15 - 12.45 pm)

  • Faculty of Engineering/Health Sciences (Debrecen)/Informatics/Law/PhD: 

Kassai Campus:

  • Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management/ Economics and Business/PhD: Böszörményi Campus - Peter Veres Dormitory (Ground floor, door with HAK sign):
  • Faculty of Dentistry/Humanities/Medicine/Music/Pharmacy/Science and Technology/PhD: Main Campus - Lajos Kossuth Dormitory 2 (entrance – glass door with HAK sign):
Legutóbbi frissítés: 2025. 02. 18. 13:25